Below is our current list of those inducted into the Hall of Shame or found guilty of trying to Reverse Hijack a Domain Name in which they had no legal rights. In other words they tried to bully the rightful owners into relinquishing their property and forcing these innocent parties to spend thousands to defend what they already own. Since there is no Legal Penalty, we are determined to Shame these companies along with their attorneys that represent them. What can you do? Tweet, Like, Circulate! Help me, Help you!
Case Number: Case #45
Represented by: Jennifer M. Hetu of Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP, Michigan, USA
Jaguar/Land Rover is the latest to have been found GUILTY of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking(RDNH) on the domain name Complainant is Jaguar Land Rover Limited (“Complainant”), represented by Jennifer M. Hetu of Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP, Michigan, USA. The attempt was so blatant, that the panel found for the respondent without the respondent even answering the complaint. A […]
Read More...Case Number: Case #44
Represented by: Erik Paul Belt of McCarter English, LLP, Massachusetts
Consuela, LLC represented by Erik Paul Belt of McCarter English, LLP, Massachusetts, USA found Guilty Reverse Domain Name Hijacking of Respondent is Alberta Hot Rods (“Respondent”), represented by Ari Goldberger of Law Firm, New Jersey, USA. “According to the majority of the Panel, not only did the Complainant present its Complaint when it […]
Read More...Case Number: Case #43
Represented by: Max Moskowitz, of Ostrolenk Faber LLP, New York
Complainant is Aptus Tech LLC (“Complainant”), represented by Max Moskowitz, of Ostrolenk Faber LLP, New York, USA. Respondent is Name Administration Inc. (BVI)(“Respondent”), represented by John Berryhill, Pennsylvania, USA Aptus Tech LLC represented by Max Moskowitz, of Ostrolenk Faber LLP, has now been found GUILTY of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. (RDNH) “In this case, the evidence indicates that Complainant clearly knew that the […]
Read More...Case Number: Case #42
Represented by: Molly Megee Hankins, ESQ., United States of America
The Complainant is Ryan P. Boggs of Los Angeles, California, United States of America, represented by Molly Megee Hankins, ESQ., United States of America. The three person panel found (pdf) that Boggs “engaged in duplicitous dealings with the Respondent in relation to potential purchase of the disputed domain name”. “Complaint makes express and implied assertions […]
Read More...Case Number: Case #41
Represented by: LeClairRyan, United States of America
Complainant is the Honorable Ron Paul of Lake Jackson, Texas, United States of America, represented by LeClairRyan, United States of America.” Ron Paul has been found GUILTY of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking. I certainly invite the congressman and/or the domain owner to comment here or even write a guest blog post.
Read More...My hope is this is the last RDNH case I will ever have to write about and circulate. The reality is I will write every company and their representation every single time there is a case of RDNH. To fight back we had to create to get the message across to Main Street and Main Stream. Now maybe some value based companies will think twice before flirting with this tactic and come to the bargaining table in good faith instead of being labeled forever on Hall of Shame. The net is written in ink! And now a monument has been built at a common crossroads that many more folks will see. Just like being in Times Square.